July 4, 2009

Retreat 2009

Here are a few picture I took at our annual retreat. For those who were not able to make it, you have my sympathies. It was wonderful!! A good time was had by all. Thanks to you hard working girls who put it together. Pat Mckean & Jolynn for the wonderful food. Our wonderful teachers, Hazel, Glenna, Karen, Donna, Jolynn, Betty Roberts, and Judy. A hundred times over of thanks goes to Jolynn for use of her cabin and she also did the food, taught a class helped on the favors, you name it she did it! I wish I could have some of her energy, she is amazing!

On a more somber note, we were sorry to here we lost one our longtime standing members to cancer this spring, Ruth Wunderlich . I hope she and Donna Browning can paint together up there.

I just wanted to add that no matter what painting event I go to, there is an unwritten painter's code: We always share, paint, paper towels, etc. and helpful advice with the people we are doing the project with. We are there for each other. I love being a part of this wonderful group of people. Well, until next post. Please feel free to share.

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