December 29, 2009


Look at this wonderful group of talented Ladies gathered her for Christmas. Fun and good food was had by all. Sorry if you weren't able to come. The second picture is of JoLynn our president for 2009 on the left. She has been a great president and all her hard work has made it a wonderful year. She has the biggest heart and she is one of the most giving people there is. We are so lucky to have to have her as our leader. Next to her is Lisa and she will be taking the helm for next year and has already got the year planned out. I am really excited for the fun classes and activities to come. In January Hazel is going be teaching a set of JoSonja's roosters. You may just come and paint the one in January or continue on and paint all six. Pictures will be forth coming. Happy New to All!!!

November 29, 2009


I Hope you were all able to attend. This was some much fun!! What a wonderful teacher. We were so lucky to have her come here. She does have a web sight if you want to order anything. You can see below we all pretty much completed our projects.

Remember our annual Christmas party, December 5, at Marie Callendars on
Fort Union. 11:30 am. Bring a $10.00 present. The cost is $18.00.


October 28, 2009

October's Meeting

Jolynn taught this really cute witch for Halloween, it was alot of fun. We had wonderul raffle prizes given away this meeting also, I won three of them myself!

Jillybean is coming ! I can't wait. We are so lucky to have a wonderful national teacher here. I hope you all can come. You can come one day or both. I'ts going to be great!! You can paint it on whatever you want. Jolynn had an great idea to paint the zebras on a floor cloth. I want to find a wrap around canvas to paint them on. It's really important for us to come and support these teachers so they'll want to come. Remember it will be on Nov. 6th and 7th . Breakfast and lunch will be served. It's bring your own drinks. See you there. Pictures follow.

October's Meeting

Jolynn taught us this cute witch for a fun Halloween project this month. Many thanks to Jolynn. We had wonderful raffle prizes this month also, I actually won three myself !

Jillybean is coming November 6th and 7th. I hope you signed up. I think you still could if you wanted to. We are so lucky to have her coming here. We need to support our Guild in bringing these national teacher by good attendance, so please come. You can come for just one day or both, lunch and breakfast will be served too. What more could you want. You can paint the projects on anything you want. This is going to so fun. Pictures below.

October's Meeting

I hope you were able to come, Jolynn shown her taught us this cute halloween project. If you weren't you really missed out. We had some great raffle giveaways I was lucky and got three of my numbers drawn, I won a beautiful plant, a cute ceramic tree and some Josonia paint I have been trying to find.

Next month we will be having Jillybean coming! You can paint on whatever you want, Jolynn is going to paint it on a floorcloth, a great idea. This is an wonderful opportunity to have a national teacher like this come. We all need to come and support her .

October 1, 2009

September Meeting

Here we are with the finished memory, keepsake boxes we all worked so hard on. Joylynn took them to Shriners Hospital. We hope the children enjoy them.

This is next month's project. It will be taught by Jolynn a really cute piece for Halloween, there's still time to sign up. It will be on October 24 th Saturday morning. News letter will be forth coming. Feel free to add anything.

August 8, 2009

Opening Social

August 3, 2009


1. Opening Social Aug 15, 2009 Cost: $7.50 MY ASSIGNMENTS
Kay Salisbury’s back yard Time: 9:00 am, Brunch
RSVP by email to Kay.
Have everyone bring a “show and Tell” item….We can show a finished project. It DOES NOT have to be a painted item. Just “bring and shine”

Food: JoLynn: Quiche
Judy: Quiche, Fruit Pat:Orange rolls,Water JoLynn:Plates,Cups,napkins

Theme and Decorations:
Kay, we couldn’t remember what we had discussed earlier about a theme…can you remember? We talked about using purses as the table decorations and have everyone bring their purse to meeting and play a game ….using a list of items, see how many of them they have in their purse. I’ll ask Marilyn to make up the game. What do you think? But can you think of a name/theme for the event?

Signups for Sept, Oct, Nov Seminar JoLynn will have the signups there
• JoLynn’s having shoulder surgery on Aug 18. She want’s to have someone take her place at the Bobbie Takashima seminar

2. November Seminar with Jillybean. Results Attached also is the flyer
Of survey: Candle Glow Santa 6 in pdf to send out.
Zebra 6 I’ll email Jillybean to see
Ornaments 3 if we can buy the canvases
Pink Lilies 3 and make a little bit by
St Nickolas 2 prepping them.
Golden Eyes 1
Blue Santa 1
Santa-Reindeer 1
Santa/Canvas 1
Santa Artist 1
Light the Way 1
Little Lord Jesus 1

Looks like Zebras taught on Friday, Nov 6th and
Candle Glow Santa on Sat, Nov 7th.
I will be teaching this Sat at Golden Spike .
I’ll take some handouts of the Jillybean seminar
with me to their meeting

3. Sept 19th – Service Project: Memory Boxes AND UFO afterward.

Bring your OWN IDEA to Paint Memory Boxes Pattern or stencils are easy and work up cute AND Deliver them to Shriners. Be able to complete in 1 ½ hr.
Everyone invited to go to Shriners.
We could leave by 10:30ish, and
be back by 12:00 or so. Shriners is on
Fairfax Rd & Virginia St. (about 1400 E and 320 N) For those not wishing to go to Shriners….you can stay and Paint your UFO!! We have Glenna’s studio all day…..I’ve stayed before, and it’s pleasant and nice and quiet.

4. Newsletter items - Be sure to come to
The OPENING SOCIAL and sign up for the
Rest of the year. Have the ladies RSVP by email to you, Kay.

5. Treasurer’s Report
Checking $2,241.27 Savings $2,289.91

6. Calendar
August 15 – Opening Social
Sept 10,11,12 – Bobbie Takashima in Ogden
Sept 19 – Paint Memory boxes and UFO’s
Oct 17 – JoLynn teaches Witch on broom “Fly by Night”

Nov 6 & 7 – Jillybean Seminar
Dec 5 – December Christmas Luncheon

July 4, 2009

Retreat 2009

Here are a few picture I took at our annual retreat. For those who were not able to make it, you have my sympathies. It was wonderful!! A good time was had by all. Thanks to you hard working girls who put it together. Pat Mckean & Jolynn for the wonderful food. Our wonderful teachers, Hazel, Glenna, Karen, Donna, Jolynn, Betty Roberts, and Judy. A hundred times over of thanks goes to Jolynn for use of her cabin and she also did the food, taught a class helped on the favors, you name it she did it! I wish I could have some of her energy, she is amazing!

On a more somber note, we were sorry to here we lost one our longtime standing members to cancer this spring, Ruth Wunderlich . I hope she and Donna Browning can paint together up there.

I just wanted to add that no matter what painting event I go to, there is an unwritten painter's code: We always share, paint, paper towels, etc. and helpful advice with the people we are doing the project with. We are there for each other. I love being a part of this wonderful group of people. Well, until next post. Please feel free to share.

May 21, 2009

Retreat- June 25-27

If you're interested in attending and doing the following projects contact JoLynn Johnson.

Bird and Blossoms
Donna Richards
Acrylic on canvas Price: $15.00
Sat 8:30-12 and 1-1:30

JoLynn Johnson
Acrylics on Pumpkin Barrel Stave
Price: $12.00 Friday 8:30-12:00 noon

French Floral
Betty Roberts
French floral painted on a box with feet.
Price: TBA
Friday 9-12 and 1-3

Red Hat Tea Party
Karen Denning

Thursday evening tea party and make and
take it. This is painted on the large clothes
pin and can be used as a paper holder or
recipe holder.
Price: $10.00
Thursday Evening 6:30 - 9:30

Glass Candy dish with Pansies
Hazel Rimmasch
Candy dish with wood top and a glass handle. Panises
painted on a medium value background.

Price: $20.00
Friday 1 -5

May News

I finally made it to a meeting. Judy Graham taught us this this wonderful fishing scene on a bowl that the guys can use to put their change in, if you dare let them! Great present for father's day.
We also got to see some of the pieces for retreat. I will post them. If you haven't been to one of our retreat's lately it's time to do this for yourself. We have been having it up at JoLynn's cabin up by Wasatch Mountain's Golf course. It's so beautiful and peaceful. We have a lot's of fun projects, wonderful food, and great company! It doesn't get any better than this.

April 24, 2009


I heard it was a really fun project and I'm excited to work on mine. Betty is a wonderful teacher and talented painter, I wish I could of been there.
For those who managed to get through the traffic maize and made it to Saturday's UFO meeting, Way to go!, I never could figure out a way to get there. After an hour or so of driving, I gave up. I was hoping to get some pictures of the upcoming retreat projects. I will find some for you on my next post. If anyone has anything to add feel free to do so.

March 17, 2009

March Meeting

We will be painting this wonderful piece at our March meeting
on Saturday the 21st at 9:00 am. Betty Roberts will be teaching and unfortunately I won't be there, but I hope you all will be there and can help me out.

Please share that is what I blog is all about.

March 16, 2009

February Seminar

I hope you got to come to Sharon McNamara's seminar it was wonderful! She gave us all kinds of wonderful tips on using JoSonja's paints, I have always struggled with them and now I am beginning to like them because of her help. What a wonderful, sweet lady, we were so lucky to have her here. Koodos to JoLynn.

If any of you got to go the Vegas seminar, please share what you did. I got to take from JoSonja and I have alot more work to do, but it was a treat for me and who knows how long she will be teaching.

February 9, 2009

February News

These are our next two projects we will be doing, You don't want to miss these, the picture of the Rooster is on a tray is going to be a seminar with Sharon McNamara Black. It will start on
Friday February 20 5:00 to 9;00pm- Begin basing in the tray.
Snacks will be provided i.e. turkey rolls, chips, water. BYOS (bring your own soda).
Saturday February 21 9:00 am to 4:00 pm,
You will be on your own for breakfast. Snacks will be provided. BYOS again water will be available. A lunch of Lime Tacos, chips and fruit will be served.


· Bring your own basic painting supplies---brushes, water container, paper towels, pallet paper, etc.
· Jo Sonja paint will be provided
· Pattern will be on the tray—but you might want to bring some graphite paper
· Total price of seminar: $105.00. Class alone: $65.00. Pre-prepped tray: $40.00

The other picture of the heart shaped tin box and will be taught by Betty Roberts.
When you see the tin, you will want to order one.
The cost for the tin box is: $18.50
The price of the class without the box is: $7.50
Total price of the class and tin: $26.00
You may order at the February meeting or call JoLynn or Judy to let them know.

February 7, 2009


February Project

January February News

Sorry we haven't updated the blog we have been in an transition state with the turn over to the new board and the new blogger me, Gail Jenson who volunteered to take over and I have been out of town taking care of my ailing 90 year old father without a computer to get it going again. I promise to do better.

At our January meeting Hazel was kind enough to teach how to make tassels. For those who got to attend it was a lot of fun. Let those creative juices go girls!!