November 15, 2013


Sorry I haven't been to guild. But what I gather from those who were there, is that Maxine was wonderful, and everyone enjoyed themselves.
Utah Guild of Heritage Artists
September, 2013 Newsletter

Minutes from October UGHA Meeting
Maxine uses water as a barrier. Enough water to make surface glisten but not runny.
3 brushes are used. One for wetting the surface, one for floating color and a dry mop brush for gentle stippling on the water edge of the float.
Be brave and use the biggest brush you can for floating, at least a ¾ “.
When the mops need cleaning rub on wet area of paper towel and then on dry area of paper towel.
For dry brushing she uses a Loew-Cornell 247 Crescent ½ inch.
Clean dry brush by rubbing in Hand Gel and wiping out on paper towel. This gets most of the paint out. Be sure to clean well at end of day.
Shade from  left to right. Shade from 9-4
Highlight from the light area.  Highlight from 11-2 on edge and at about 2 O’Clock on the inside.
Deco Art Americana – Irish Moss can replace Hot Shots Green for a better highlight.
Always highlight fruit before you shade it.
All corners should have walked out float. Need to have 3 values to be outstanding.
There are probable many more Maxineisms but these were the only ones I wrote down. All in All a wonderful seminar.
We learned a lot and had about 20 ladies in attendance.  We had delicious lunches and a great time.

Jan Christensen
Recording secretary

November Meeting
Our meeting will be held on Saturday, November 16  Yes, THIS coming Saturday).
The class will be taught by Donna Richards and is a unique little sewing box.  The wood, pattern and prep instructions are available NOW at Glenna's studio.  Be sure to give her a call so you can hook up with her to pick these items up.

Luncheon Committee Reminder...
Soup:  Jolene
Salad:  Marilyn
Dessert:  JoLynn


To be held on December 7, 2013
The Lion House
Cost:  $25.00
Be sure to bring an ornament to be gifted


Our President for next year will be Lisa Peck.  She has exciting plans underway already.
Our teacher for January will be June Skollingsberg and she will have her item for display at the Christmas Party.  We'll look forward to that class.

REMINDER:  Those who haven't paid dues for this year, Jolene or Loretta will gladly accept them ASAP.  The amount is $20.00 and needs to be paid by the end of the year.
 RAFFLE items for November's meeting
will also be gladly accepted by anyone who wishes to donate.

This is the big item on the Agenda for our November Meeting.  Please be sure to come so that you can cast your vote.  Hazel is still looking for anyone who wishes to run for an office.  She has a few candidates,  but could use more.  Please call her at: 801-261-3510
Those on the ticket so far-------
President:    Lisa Peck
Vice President/President elect:
Secretary:    Kay Salisbury
Treasurer:    Loretta Tatum
Assistant Treasurer:    Jolene Cooley
Newsletter Editor:    Marilyn Healy
Historian:    Janet Anderson
I hope I have these correct.  I'm waiting to hear from Hazel and she will probably have more to add........

Roberta Hutcheon................November 10
Jan Christensen............November 21
Loreen Sjoblom............December 17
Velma Glad.............December 18
Debra Hale..................December 29

Treasurer's Report
Savings:  $2,303.51
Checking:  $3,547.52

Maxine Thomas Seminar
We had a really terrific Seminar with Maxine.  We learned many new techniques and color combinations.  Maxine is a great teacher and  is so gracious and talented.  It was a delightful three days.  Most everyone finished their projects.  We enjoyed it very much.
A big THANKS to the ladies who brought food for our lunches.  As usual, it was yummy.  We have such talented ladies in UGHA---They can paint and cook....what more could anyone ask for???
Editor's Note:  Goodness, have I ever struggled to get the newsletter out this year.  I guess my computer (which is only three years old) is just not with it or else it's ME---heaven forbid!!!!  Anyway, I do enjoy doing it and it's been fun and a learning experience.  I'd like to do it again sometime in the future when I learn more about computers.  Thanks for putting up with me.


President: Glenna Nielsen     801-277-5510
Vice President: Lisa Peck     801-501-023 
Secretary: Jan Harvey         801-233-8090
Treasurer: Jolene Cooley     801-808-0749
Asst. Treas.: Loretta Tatum     801-571-8514
Historian Pat McKean     801-943-6238
Past Pres,:Marilyn Healy    801-967-975
Newsletter Ed.: Kay         801-942-1236