April 17, 2013
Utah Guild of Heritage Artists
April, 2013 Newsletter
President's Message:
What wonderful weather we are having. I hope everyone is getting excited about our spring projects and our June Retreat. Thank you all for your support of the Guild and each teacher's project. I found that with Jacque's expert guidance I conquered watercolor. I have a beautiful finished piece all ready to frame, just in time for my spring roses in the garden. I hope everyone else enjoyed our day painting toget-
her as much as I did. We will have a fun time April 13th painting with Terzah. Let's all plan to challenge ourselves with our painting this year and set a goal to learn something new each month.
Minutes from March meeting.......
March Meeting – We had 14 people for Jacque’s watercolor roses.
Glenna has ordered 12 Money Boxes from Jan Pecharich for the May 18 project. The cost is $20.00 each
April 13 Meeting – Rosemaling. Glenna will contact Terzah for size, pictures and prep instructions. It is a repeating design about 3” tall. 8-10 people have signed up. Prep instructions can be picked up at Glenna’s on Sunday afternoon 3/31/13 or after.
Membership – Jolene will put together a current membership list.
2014 Seminar – Glenna will contact Bill Bayer to see if he can come in the spring, summer or fall. He teaches in oils and will most likely do a John Constable study. He brings all the paints, printed canvases and frames. He has a book out Down a Road Less Traveled by Bill Rigley. He charges $75.00 per day per person.
Newsletter List: The current emails and phone numbers were passed out of those who had signed up.
Reminder***** this meeting will be on APRIL 13!!!!
This class will be taught by Tirzah Probasco. She is an excellent painter and teacher and we're really in for a learning experience with her.
Glenna has the pattern and Tirzah's actual piece at her studio. You may pick up your pattern and see the project at the same time. This is a "bring your own surface" class.
Upcoming class in May
This class will be taught by LaRae Anderson. Glenna has ordered ten boxes as ordered by ten of you. The boxes are $20.00 each. If anyone still wants one, you need to let Glenna or Jolene know ASAP. The time is short, do think about it.
Also in MAY there will be a five day seminar at Glenna's studio with Cynthia McCullough (I'm sure I didn't spell that right). Anyway, it is only $200.00 for the entire time. You can see her pieces if you go to her website. Contact Glenna for more
A BIG thanks to Jacque for teaching the watercolor
roses at the March meeting. Unfortunately, I could not attend, but I have heard from others what an amazing class it was. I did see Pat McKean's work and truly wished I'd been able to come. It looked like a very beautiful project and, I'm sure, everyone learned some more about painting with the ever elusive watercolors. Jacque is talented and a great teacher.
JoLynn Johnson..................April 2
Marilyn Healy.........................April 7
Lisa Peck.................................April 18
I still have the Lynn Deptula seminar for sale if anyone is interested....It is April 18-20 and is in the Provo area. I will sell it for $190.00. My cost was $248.00 so you see I'm giving you a bargain. I have two of the surfaces, patterns and pictures, which are included in this price. There are 4/5 other ladies from Guild who will be going to it also. If anyone is interested, please call me.....801-942-1236. I am going out of town (Disneyworld) from April 6-12, but I will leave everything with my husband for you if you call while I am gone.
JoLynn's new email: jolynnjohnson@gmail.com
I hope this is everything you needed to know for this month since I am leaving at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. See you on the 13th!!!
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