March 13, 2013


March, 2013 Newsletter
Another month.  I had a fun time, learning new techniques from teachers, and it was great to see so many from the Guild at the Las Vegas convention.  I plan to finish my projects as soon as possible.  It would be really fun if everyone who went and had classes could bring their projects to our March meeting and share the fun and new designs.  The weather was so nice in Las Vegas, it was a treat for all of us. I hope everyone is looking forward to taking on the challenge of beautiful watercolor roses.  It should befun, something new  for some of us,which is what we all things, because that's what keeps us all young at heart.  Hope to see everyone on the 16th.  Remember daylight savings time starts on the 10th.
 A big THANKS to Jan, Marilyn and Judy for lunch in February.  It was really delicious.  We learned that Jan’s husband had made the soup!!!  We all need that  recipe.  This month’s assignment is:       March 16
  Soup or Sandwiches: JoLynn Johnson
  Rolls, etc: Betty Roberts
  Fruit or Salad: Jolene Cooley

HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to….
Cheri Ringger…………….March 6
Christy Paulo……………March 28

I hope I haven’t missed anyone.  I apologize if I did.

March Meeting……March. 16, 2013.…..9:00 a. m. Glenna’s Studio
This month our project is a beautiful watercolor painting of yellow roses.  It will be taught by Jacque Illguth.  She is such a talented artist and this is an original design.   She will bring the paper, paint and pattern.  The price is just $15.00.  You just need to bring your own brushes.  
February Meeting
We had such a great class in February.  It was one of the most well attended meetings we’ve had in a long time.  Those who painted were certainly rewarded by the teaching skills of Judy Graham.  She is a beautiful painter and great teacher.  Thanks, Judy from all of us.  I was so sad that I had not based my project in so I could paint it that day.  I think everyone got most of their project finished.
It was great to see Kristin Birkeland, LaRae Anderson and Cheri Ringger there.  We haven’t seen them for a while.  Welcome, ladies, and we hope to see you again in the future.
Welcome, also, to the ladies from the Provo chapter who were there.  It is great to have you.  Come anytime.

Notice for RETREAT…..
Hopefully, we will have projects and sign-up sheets for Retreat at the March meeting. We voted on several places to hold Retreat this year and ended up at JoLynn’s cabin again..  Thanks to JoLynn for her great generosity in hosting us and to Lisa for offering her facilities.

Minutes from February 16 UGHA  Meeting
Present:  Judy Graham, Glenna Nielsen,  Roxanna Whitten, Betty Roberts, JoLynn Johnson, La Rae Anderson,  Nola Phillips, Gail Jensen, Lisa Peck, Cheri  Ringger,Brenda Stott, Pat McKean, Kay  Salisbury, Velma Glad, Andrea Clark, Loreen Sjoblom, Sandra Boyer, Loretta Tatum, Jolene Cooley, Darlene Matthews, Marilyn Healy,  Jan Christensen, Shonnie Whitney, Jacque Illguth, Betty Van Pelt

Glenna welcomed everyone.  She reported that we had a successful Maureen McNaughton Seminar.  Thank you to Kristen for  transporting Maureen every day.  In March we will be doing a Yellow Rose watercolor that Jacque has designed and will teach.  She brought the picture to show to the group.  The watercolors and surface are part of the cost.  Members were encouraged to sign up for the class.   In April Terzah Probasco will beteaching a resemaling piece.  It can be done on a vertical band.  Bring your own surface. In May, LaRae will teach the money box.  The June Retreat is June 20, 21 and 22.  The theme is witches, although  Kay will also be teaching the cement quail.  Members voted on a place for retreat.  Choices were Silver King Lodge in Park City which would cost  $200.00  for room rent; rooms would be $97.00 for a studio, $112.00 for a two bedroom suite, and $232 for a 3 bedroom suite.  Lisa’s gym located her home, $0.00 cost.  She has 6 bedrooms if people would want to stay over; JoLynn's family  cabin   in Midway where the retreat has been held the last several years.  Glenna’s cabin was also an option at no cost but would need to travel about 1 hour from SLC to Tooele.
Members voted to have the retreat at JoLynn’s family cabin at Midway. The Maxine Thomas seminar will be held at Lisa’s gym.
A big thanks to Judy Graham for teaching the Jack Frost piece.  Raffle was held.  Lunch was served.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Christensen


March 16 UGHA meeting Watercolor roses taught by Jacque Illguth
$15.00 fee which includes paint, surface, pattern
April 13 UGHA meeting Rosemaling design taught by Terzah
Probasco.    Own surface or a bucket
for $125.00.  Contact Glenna

April 25-27 Ogden chapter will have a seminar featuring Heidi England
April 18-20 Heart of Utah Chapter in Provo will be hosting
Lynn Deptula for a seminar.  I believe it is filled.
October, 2013 Maxine Thomas seminar---projects on view inApril

***Please note the change of date for the April meeting!!
Welcome back to all who went to the Las Vegas Convention.  We look forward to seeing your projects and hearing about it.

  Treasurer’s Report: Happy St. Patrick's Day
SAVINGS:       (will have next     Happy Easter  
CHECKING:     month)         to all of you


FROM KAY:  I have signed up for the Lynn Deptula seminar in Provo on April18, 19, 20.  I paid $248.00 for the pieces and cost of the seminar. Due to some other commitments, I may not be able to go  If there is anyone who would like to buy this seminar from me for $200.00, please let me know.  I can show you pictures of the pieces.    Five other ladies from our chapter are going to attend, so you would be in good company with them.

Editor’s Note:  I have spent over 180 hours going to my daughter’s in South Jordan to sew costumes for my grand-daughter who has the lead in the Scarlet Pimpernel play at the Riverton Arts.  I haven’t sewed that much for years and certainly not all at once.  It’s been five weeks, non-stop.  I hope we’ll finish this week because I am going to Disneyland on Wednesday with my son and grandson.  Besides, I’d like to get back to painting and paper crafting with Pat!!!  I’m lucky to get this newsletter out.  My husband thinks I have deserted him and he’s tired of eating out.


President: Glenna Nielsen 801-277-5510
Vice President:  Lisa Peck 801-501-0234
Secretary:     Jan Harvey 801-233-8090
Treasurer:     Jolene Cooley 801-486-6142
Asst. Treas.:     Loretta Tatum 801-571-8514
Historian:     Pat McKean 801-943-6238
Past Pres.:       Marilyn Healy 801-967-9759
Newsletter Editor:   Kay Salisbury 801-942-1236

If anyone has announcements, etc, to add to the newsletter, please contact Kay at the above email or phone.

March 10, 2013


     Maureen McNaughton

She was so worth the wait. If you were able to attend you were so lucky. She is so wonderful and we learned so much. I just got her latest newsletter and it looks like she isn't going to travel teach anymore, so we are so lucky to have had her. 

 We all made it despite the snow. I can't think of any better way to be snowed in. We had a wonderful time and I think most of us finished our projects. Wow what a treat.