March 14, 2012


We had a wonderful time with Barbra Stock, shown here. She taught us this wonderful heart on a screen. She had more screen patterns and screen and frames with her so of course I had to buy more, I fell in love with her frogs. Do I have them done, not yet. On my to do lists, that keep longer and longer with Spring upon us.  She is the sweetest Lady, she painted us all a pin/ magnet mini heart of the project we did. I thoroughly enjoyed her and so did everyone else. We also had a wonderful lunch after, provided by various members.

Next month we will be moving our meeting up a week, because of the marathon that weekend, so we won't have drive five miles extra to try and get to Glenna's. Lisa will be teaching this beautiful rose that matches the white tulip we did at retreat. Saturday March 24th at 9 am at Glenna's Studio. Plan on a delicious lunch.