December 27, 2012

Christmas Party

The official handover of the gavel from on President to the next. From Marilyn Healy to Glenna Neilson. You go girls.  Thanks goes to Marilyn, who did a wonderful job this year. Glenna has already got everything planned out for this next year. Thanks to you for taking on the job.
 We had our  annual Christmas party at the Lion House this year.  What a beautiful place and oh!!! the rolls are to dye for.

 This was November's meeting with Judy Graham teaching us a JoSonja
piece. We are so lucky to have Judy to teach us these wonderful pieces.
 In January 18th, 19th, and the 20th we are having Maureen McNaughton come from Canada to teach us. This was originally scheduled for October but she had to have emergency knee surgery.
This darling piece below is what Judy will be teaching us in February.

October 23, 2012

October's Meeting

We got great news, Maureen McNaughton will be coming in January 10th, 11, and 12th.

We had our meeting anyway, which was UFO (unfinished former objects).
We also had our elections, the results will be coming soon.

 Betty, Pat and Kay are busily painting
to finish those many projects we have
laying around. I have a ton. It's funny how things work out. Nothing slows us down.

We had a wonderful potato bar for lunch, thanks to Jolynn Johnson. We know how to do it right, I feel bad for those who missed out. I forgot to get take a picture of next month's project. I will see if I can get my hands on one and add it later. It is a  Jo Sonja sleigh ride picture that will be taught by Judy Graham. She has done it on a cute tin lunch box you can order from Paradise Painters.

Jan and I were working on projects we got off the internet by Patricia Rawlinson I told everyone I would put the link to her sight.

October 9, 2012


Latest News on the Maureen Mcnaughton Seminar. Maureen blew out her knee and is unable to fly and is having knee surgery now. So she is postponing the seminar to next year. Our money should be refunded as far as I know. I feel so bad for her as I have had to have my knee scoped this spring and I am still struggling, knee problems are  bad, it really messes up your mobility. I will let you know if anything changes. I not sure what we will do instead.

September 18, 2012

September Meeting

We are back! Joylynn Johnson taught us this darling pumpkin plate. We had a wonderful time. Took care of business and are getting all excited for Maureen McNaughton to come in October.

                               What a bunch of fun cute Ladies and talented too!



August 22, 2012

Opening Social

Well after a hot July we are back and at it and raring to go. We had a wonderful picnic and played a really fun game curiosity of Kay. This was a lovely area is up cottonwood canyon at the power plant which only employees can use, thanks to Marilyn we got to enjoy the beautiful grounds.

The picture to the right is what we will be doing next month.  Jolynn Johnson will be teaching this fun piece. The metal tray is beautiful and Joleen might still have a few left.

In October we will be having Maureen McNaughton coming from Canada. There is still room for people to come. Please sign up. It you scroll down there are pictures and info about this.

July 4, 2012

Doesn't this look fun and relaxing, that's just what we did. We had a blast. I hope you were able to make it. Wonderful food prizes and projects were had by all. Lots of kudos go to Betty Van Pelt for pulling this together, despite the many challenges that arrived. Thanks Betty, what would we do without her. Everyone pitches in our group and that's what we are about. Giving and sharing. We are so lucky.

 This is just a sampling of some of the beautiful art that our talented group did at retreat.