November 28, 2011

November's Meeting

What's up
Betty teaching out November project.

We had a great meeting, painting and lunching time!!!

Remember to come to our Christmas Party on Dec. 10, 11:30 am at the Mimi's on 53rd and State Street. We will be having an ornament exchange.

January's meeting we will be doing make and take cards and learning about the latest Deco Art Traditions.

November 14, 2011

The election results are in : President Marilyn Healy, President Elect Glenna Nielson, Past President Hazel Rimmasch, Newsletter Jan Harvey, Treasuresr Loretta Tatum, Assistant Treasurer Jolene Cooley, Secretary Jolynn Johnson, Historian Jacque Illguth, Luncheons Judy Graham.
Our annual Christmas luncheon will be held on Dec. 10 at Mimis on 5223 So. State Street at 11:00 am.