February 19, 2011

February and March

Here we are enjoying our UFO on February 19th. What a wonderful lunch Hazel supplied, chicken croissant sandwiches, frog eye salad, oh my favorite salad, ! and another wonderful salad. What a treat, to be able to sit and paint and be feed too!
Next month we will be painting this darling sewing box with JoyLynn. Some the ladies already had their's and were prepping them at the meeting. As I said you can order one from www.dellaandcompany.com. Pictured above. See you on March 19th.

February 2, 2011


Sorry folks, I didn't take any pictures at the January meeting. I was so envolved in the watercolor that Betty was teaching us I forgot to take pictures. Anyway Betty taught us this beautiful field of poppies in water color. I tried to post the picture of it, but with no sucess. I will keep trying. Betty did a great job, and we appreciate her sharing that with us, it is fun to try something in a different medium. Jolynn fixed us a wonderful corn chowder for lunch. We will be having an UFO this month on Feb. 19th, that means bring some unfinished to work on, lunch will be furnished again. Marilyn will be taking people down to the Carl Bloch exhibit at BYU for those who want to go let her know.
JoLynn will be teaching the "Heavenly Hamper" in march. You can order the box from Della and Company if you want to do it.