December 22, 2011


Betty & Hazel

Jolene, Lorreta, Marilynn & Darlene

    Judi & Loreen
    Pat, Gail & Kay in triplet sweater
Nothing like celebrating Christmas with good friends.

A sneak preview of up coming projects;



November 28, 2011

November's Meeting

What's up
Betty teaching out November project.

We had a great meeting, painting and lunching time!!!

Remember to come to our Christmas Party on Dec. 10, 11:30 am at the Mimi's on 53rd and State Street. We will be having an ornament exchange.

January's meeting we will be doing make and take cards and learning about the latest Deco Art Traditions.

November 14, 2011

The election results are in : President Marilyn Healy, President Elect Glenna Nielson, Past President Hazel Rimmasch, Newsletter Jan Harvey, Treasuresr Loretta Tatum, Assistant Treasurer Jolene Cooley, Secretary Jolynn Johnson, Historian Jacque Illguth, Luncheons Judy Graham.
Our annual Christmas luncheon will be held on Dec. 10 at Mimis on 5223 So. State Street at 11:00 am.

October 23, 2011


Hi Ladies, It's been awhile I honestly thought no was reading this, so I kind of gave up, but come to find out at our guild meeting, that was not so. So I apologize to you all for being so lacks. I guess I am fired. I hope some of you have enjoyed the work I have done on the blog over the year. I really haven't got any feed back from anyone to know if was okay. Anyway I will do my last post I guess.

Loretta taught this wonderful snowman plate she took from Lynn Andrews. We thank her for sharing with us.
We had our elections and the results will be out soon.

Next months project.
Remember we have a meeting every third Saturday of the month  at 9 am and we usually have lunch. You can't ask for a better way to spend a Saturday. I will see you there. Love to all I hope you have enjoyed the blog. You can put comments or share on here.


April 5, 2011


March's meeting went well from what I heard. I was down in Arizona. The wonderful piece that Jolynn
taught was enjoyed by all. Next month's meeting has

been changed to April 23rd, due to the marathon that makes it almost impossible to get to Glenna's. Jacque will be teaching a box with a Canada Goose on the top. Bring what ever you would like to paint this on. It will make a great father's day gift or just a wonderful piece to have. Hope to see you there. Remember lunch will be provided and you can stay all day and work on it.

February 19, 2011

February and March

Here we are enjoying our UFO on February 19th. What a wonderful lunch Hazel supplied, chicken croissant sandwiches, frog eye salad, oh my favorite salad, ! and another wonderful salad. What a treat, to be able to sit and paint and be feed too!
Next month we will be painting this darling sewing box with JoyLynn. Some the ladies already had their's and were prepping them at the meeting. As I said you can order one from Pictured above. See you on March 19th.

February 2, 2011


Sorry folks, I didn't take any pictures at the January meeting. I was so envolved in the watercolor that Betty was teaching us I forgot to take pictures. Anyway Betty taught us this beautiful field of poppies in water color. I tried to post the picture of it, but with no sucess. I will keep trying. Betty did a great job, and we appreciate her sharing that with us, it is fun to try something in a different medium. Jolynn fixed us a wonderful corn chowder for lunch. We will be having an UFO this month on Feb. 19th, that means bring some unfinished to work on, lunch will be furnished again. Marilyn will be taking people down to the Carl Bloch exhibit at BYU for those who want to go let her know.
JoLynn will be teaching the "Heavenly Hamper" in march. You can order the box from Della and Company if you want to do it.

January 3, 2011

January News

Note from JoLynn regarding Shonnie’s Knee Surgery:
Hi all!!!

Shonnie had her surgery on her knee Dec. 28. She's doing fine. She will come home either Dec. 29 or 30th. Larry has plenty of time off coming, so he's available for whatever she needs. The Physical Therapist will come to their home when she's ready. Here's her address if you want to send her a card.....I'm sure she'd LOVE it.
Shonnie Whitney
2957 Hunters Branch Rd
Fairfax, VA 22031-6015

Thank you:
A Huge THANK YOU to Lisa and her board members for a very successful and fun 2010

January 15th Meeting, 9:30 AM:
Below is a picture of the watercolor that Betty is going to teach for the January 15 meeting. We saw the original at the Christmas party and it was beautiful. Please bring with you the following brushes, a sponge (not household) and a hair dryer. Betty will supply the paper and paints & masking fluid.
lg wash or chip brush
 #6 round brush
#8 round brush

January News

Golden Spike Decorative Painters


Heidi England Seminar

Teacher: Heidi England
Date: January 27th-29th 9:00am - 5:00pm
Cost: $250.00 (class fee, wooden bench, photo/pattern packet, and lunch)
$280.00 (Non-Members)

Seminar: A $100 non-refundable deposit must be paid when you sign up to hold your place in the class and pay for the wood. The balance for the seminar is to be paid when the pattern and wood is picked up.

The Seminar will be held at the Clearfield City Municipal Building (55 S. State, Clearfield, UT) 2nd floor, Multi-purpose Room. Take I-15 #335 and go south on Main Street about six blocks. The City building is on the east side of the street with plenty of parking around the building.

Lunches are included in the seminar price. All lunches will include bottled water and dessert. Coffee, tea and hot chocolate will be provided during the seminar.

Contact Tirzah (801-825-2660) if you have any questions about the seminar. Checks can be made out to Golden Spike Decorative Painters and mailed to the Chapter at 295 W. Center Street, P O Box 302, Willard, UT 84340.

Registrations must be rec’d no later than Wednesday
January 5, 2011