October 28, 2009

October's Meeting

Jolynn taught this really cute witch for Halloween, it was alot of fun. We had wonderul raffle prizes given away this meeting also, I won three of them myself!

Jillybean is coming ! I can't wait. We are so lucky to have a wonderful national teacher here. I hope you all can come. You can come one day or both. I'ts going to be great!! You can paint it on whatever you want. Jolynn had an great idea to paint the zebras on a floor cloth. I want to find a wrap around canvas to paint them on. It's really important for us to come and support these teachers so they'll want to come. Remember it will be on Nov. 6th and 7th . Breakfast and lunch will be served. It's bring your own drinks. See you there. Pictures follow.

October's Meeting

Jolynn taught us this cute witch for a fun Halloween project this month. Many thanks to Jolynn. We had wonderful raffle prizes this month also, I actually won three myself !

Jillybean is coming November 6th and 7th. I hope you signed up. I think you still could if you wanted to. We are so lucky to have her coming here. We need to support our Guild in bringing these national teacher by good attendance, so please come. You can come for just one day or both, lunch and breakfast will be served too. What more could you want. You can paint the projects on anything you want. This is going to so fun. Pictures below.

October's Meeting

I hope you were able to come, Jolynn shown her taught us this cute halloween project. If you weren't you really missed out. We had some great raffle giveaways I was lucky and got three of my numbers drawn, I won a beautiful plant, a cute ceramic tree and some Josonia paint I have been trying to find.

Next month we will be having Jillybean coming! You can paint on whatever you want, Jolynn is going to paint it on a floorcloth, a great idea. This is an wonderful opportunity to have a national teacher like this come. We all need to come and support her .

October 1, 2009

September Meeting

Here we are with the finished memory, keepsake boxes we all worked so hard on. Joylynn took them to Shriners Hospital. We hope the children enjoy them.

This is next month's project. It will be taught by Jolynn a really cute piece for Halloween, there's still time to sign up. It will be on October 24 th Saturday morning. News letter will be forth coming. Feel free to add anything.