August 3, 2009
1. Opening Social Aug 15, 2009 Cost: $7.50 MY ASSIGNMENTS
Kay Salisbury’s back yard Time: 9:00 am, Brunch
RSVP by email to Kay.
Have everyone bring a “show and Tell” item….We can show a finished project. It DOES NOT have to be a painted item. Just “bring and shine”
Food: JoLynn: Quiche
Judy: Quiche, Fruit Pat:Orange rolls,Water JoLynn:Plates,Cups,napkins
Theme and Decorations:
Kay, we couldn’t remember what we had discussed earlier about a theme…can you remember? We talked about using purses as the table decorations and have everyone bring their purse to meeting and play a game ….using a list of items, see how many of them they have in their purse. I’ll ask Marilyn to make up the game. What do you think? But can you think of a name/theme for the event?
Signups for Sept, Oct, Nov Seminar JoLynn will have the signups there
• JoLynn’s having shoulder surgery on Aug 18. She want’s to have someone take her place at the Bobbie Takashima seminar
2. November Seminar with Jillybean. Results Attached also is the flyer
Of survey: Candle Glow Santa 6 in pdf to send out.
Zebra 6 I’ll email Jillybean to see
Ornaments 3 if we can buy the canvases
Pink Lilies 3 and make a little bit by
St Nickolas 2 prepping them.
Golden Eyes 1
Blue Santa 1
Santa-Reindeer 1
Santa/Canvas 1
Santa Artist 1
Light the Way 1
Little Lord Jesus 1
Looks like Zebras taught on Friday, Nov 6th and
Candle Glow Santa on Sat, Nov 7th.
I will be teaching this Sat at Golden Spike .
I’ll take some handouts of the Jillybean seminar
with me to their meeting
3. Sept 19th – Service Project: Memory Boxes AND UFO afterward.
Bring your OWN IDEA to Paint Memory Boxes Pattern or stencils are easy and work up cute AND Deliver them to Shriners. Be able to complete in 1 ½ hr.
Everyone invited to go to Shriners.
We could leave by 10:30ish, and
be back by 12:00 or so. Shriners is on
Fairfax Rd & Virginia St. (about 1400 E and 320 N) For those not wishing to go to Shriners….you can stay and Paint your UFO!! We have Glenna’s studio all day…..I’ve stayed before, and it’s pleasant and nice and quiet.
4. Newsletter items - Be sure to come to
The OPENING SOCIAL and sign up for the
Rest of the year. Have the ladies RSVP by email to you, Kay.
5. Treasurer’s Report
Checking $2,241.27 Savings $2,289.91
6. Calendar
August 15 – Opening Social
Sept 10,11,12 – Bobbie Takashima in Ogden
Sept 19 – Paint Memory boxes and UFO’s
Oct 17 – JoLynn teaches Witch on broom “Fly by Night”
Nov 6 & 7 – Jillybean Seminar
Dec 5 – December Christmas Luncheon