If you're interested in attending and doing the following projects contact JoLynn Johnson.
Bird and Blossoms
Donna Richards
Acrylic on canvas Price: $15.00
Sat 8:30-12 and 1-1:30
JoLynn Johnson
Acrylics on Pumpkin Barrel Stave
Price: $12.00 Friday 8:30-12:00 noon
French Floral
Betty Roberts
French floral painted on a box with feet.
Price: TBA
Friday 9-12 and 1-3
Red Hat Tea Party
Karen Denning
Thursday evening tea party and make and
take it. This is painted on the large clothes
pin and can be used as a paper holder or
recipe holder.
Price: $10.00
Thursday Evening 6:30 - 9:30
Glass Candy dish with Pansies
Hazel Rimmasch
Candy dish with wood top and a glass handle. Panises
painted on a medium value background.
Price: $20.00
Friday 1 -5