May 21, 2009

Retreat- June 25-27

If you're interested in attending and doing the following projects contact JoLynn Johnson.

Bird and Blossoms
Donna Richards
Acrylic on canvas Price: $15.00
Sat 8:30-12 and 1-1:30

JoLynn Johnson
Acrylics on Pumpkin Barrel Stave
Price: $12.00 Friday 8:30-12:00 noon

French Floral
Betty Roberts
French floral painted on a box with feet.
Price: TBA
Friday 9-12 and 1-3

Red Hat Tea Party
Karen Denning

Thursday evening tea party and make and
take it. This is painted on the large clothes
pin and can be used as a paper holder or
recipe holder.
Price: $10.00
Thursday Evening 6:30 - 9:30

Glass Candy dish with Pansies
Hazel Rimmasch
Candy dish with wood top and a glass handle. Panises
painted on a medium value background.

Price: $20.00
Friday 1 -5

May News

I finally made it to a meeting. Judy Graham taught us this this wonderful fishing scene on a bowl that the guys can use to put their change in, if you dare let them! Great present for father's day.
We also got to see some of the pieces for retreat. I will post them. If you haven't been to one of our retreat's lately it's time to do this for yourself. We have been having it up at JoLynn's cabin up by Wasatch Mountain's Golf course. It's so beautiful and peaceful. We have a lot's of fun projects, wonderful food, and great company! It doesn't get any better than this.