February 9, 2009

February News

These are our next two projects we will be doing, You don't want to miss these, the picture of the Rooster is on a tray is going to be a seminar with Sharon McNamara Black. It will start on
Friday February 20 5:00 to 9;00pm- Begin basing in the tray.
Snacks will be provided i.e. turkey rolls, chips, water. BYOS (bring your own soda).
Saturday February 21 9:00 am to 4:00 pm,
You will be on your own for breakfast. Snacks will be provided. BYOS again water will be available. A lunch of Lime Tacos, chips and fruit will be served.


· Bring your own basic painting supplies---brushes, water container, paper towels, pallet paper, etc.
· Jo Sonja paint will be provided
· Pattern will be on the tray—but you might want to bring some graphite paper
· Total price of seminar: $105.00. Class alone: $65.00. Pre-prepped tray: $40.00

The other picture of the heart shaped tin box and will be taught by Betty Roberts.
When you see the tin, you will want to order one.
The cost for the tin box is: $18.50
The price of the class without the box is: $7.50
Total price of the class and tin: $26.00
You may order at the February meeting or call JoLynn or Judy to let them know.

February 7, 2009


February Project

January February News

Sorry we haven't updated the blog we have been in an transition state with the turn over to the new board and the new blogger me, Gail Jenson who volunteered to take over and I have been out of town taking care of my ailing 90 year old father without a computer to get it going again. I promise to do better.

At our January meeting Hazel was kind enough to teach how to make tassels. For those who got to attend it was a lot of fun. Let those creative juices go girls!!