September 18, 2008

November 1 - Glenna Nielsen-Grimm

Join us on Saturday, November 1, to paint this beautiful floral design. Glenna has created her painting on a shallow oval wood bowl. You will furnish your own surface to paint on. The painting surface needs to be at least 6 1/2 X 11 inches. This will be fun to see all of the different pieces that this design will adorn. Be sure your piece has been base coated in a dark value. Glenna painted hers on a black background.

November 1 - Glenna Nielsen-Grimm

You will love this beautiful floral that Glenna will be teaching. She has painted it on an oval bowl. The painting surface needs to be 6 1/2 X 11 inches. Bring your own surface to paint on. Be sure it is based in with a dark value paint. Glenna has painted hers on a black background. This will be fun to see how many different pieces this design will adorn.